Disil's stuff


Ahh. I really like YouTube, a place where I can get away from life. Last year, I have attempted to move away from YouTube & other kind of social media because of privacy reasons, but it failed miserably. Here's why I failed:

  1. My childhood memories are in YT
  2. I can't get away from the AI recommendation in YT
  3. I still want to keep up with others.

And a lot of other reason that I can't remember right now. Anyway, I read somewhere that if we do something fun, that feeling of 'comfy' is caused by a hormon called dopamine.

As days goes on, I become more & more addicted. Addicted to everything that provides me temporary comfort. I need to reorganize myself, but I don't know how.

Distraction is now a part of my life. I can't push it away from my life, without feeling sad miserably. Help.
