Disil's stuff

A bunch of randomness #3

I knew my father used my phone. He unblocked Dave's number and send apology messages on my behalf without my permission. What can I do now? Before they depart, they give me Dave's toy to me in a big box, but I haven't opened it yet.

I navigated through messaging on my phone app, and I found it. I pressed on the chat, which has the title "My best mate". I forgot to rename that tbh.

The message was written like this:

Hey, um, it's me, Craig. I wanna say sorry for the accident last time we met. I still want to maintain our friendship, luv x

I can't believe it. I thought Craig was serious about "being an enemy" when he said that 2 days ago when I was still in Melbourne. After reading the messages, of course, I quickly replied.

"I knew you will forgive me. By the way, your message style seems a little bit off, are you forced to do this? Let's have a voice chat if you're not ensured to explain it."

I carefully edited the message that I just wrote, so that message wouldn't offend him.

After about 15 minutes of no answers, I decided to sleep. It's 9 PM here, and my mum would be really mad if I sleep late.

clack. I turned off my bedroom lights and opened my window a little bit so air could seep through.

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. The bed and check my phone.

4 calls missed

And I looked at the history. It was Craig who tried to call me last night but I've fallen asleep. There was also some message from him, saying:

"Hey Dave, it wasn't me who apologized. It was my dad. He unblocked your number and sent apology messages on my behalf without my permission." said Craig, without emojis.

In the next message, he says "You can't just assume that I'm okay with everything and that I'm going to forgive you just like that."

I don't know how to reply to it. Should I just let time heals him? Or should I meet him through video chat? I'm confused.

Aku habis nggolek gula 1 kilo dari warung Bu Minah. Pas lagi jalan pulang, aku ndelok si Dev iku lagi duduk depan omahe. Entah lagi mikiri apaan.

Aku teriak arep pagar tingginya. Biasalah, namanya orang Jawa. Aku ncoba pake Bahasa Indonesia sama Inggris campur, sapa tau dianya ngerti.

"Woy, you ngapain?"

Dia nggak jawab. Nggak ngelirik ke awakku sedikitpun. Koyoe dia wakeh pikiran.

Yo wes, tak tinggal. Aku setop gedar-gedor pagar, dan akhirnya yoo ngalih ke omah.

"Wait, Eden. Please come here." teriak Dev, nunjuk-nunjuk ke sikilnya.

Singkat cerita, aku lungguh karo dheweke ning terasnya. Kursinya dari Jati, apik tenan.

"Kenapa Dep? Lagi mikirin apa?" aku berusaha sealus mungkin. Sopo tau dia ngerti Bahasa Indonesia sitik-sitik.

"I know you can't understand this. But I'm sad and i want to vent." katanya. Eh tiba-tiba melas.

"I used to be friends with Craig. He's the kindest person I've ever met. But, since I moved to Indonesia, he hates me." kata dia.

Iki sampeyan ngomong opo to yo, ndak ngerti BLAS aku,

Akhirnya ngerungu dan hooh hooh nyimak wae. Mau dibalas apaan coba.
