Disil's stuff

A bunch of randomness #7

Nasty stuff warning

I want to vanish from everyone. I was shocked when I used Eden's bathroom. There are no toiletries, not even a bidet. I'm a mess after taking number two and it makes me want to cry out loud.

There is a large bathtub filled with water, but the wall of the bathtub is very high, so it is not meant for bathing.

The fact that there was no ventilation in the bathroom also left me feeling stuffy. The smell of my faeces and the stench of the room were beginning to fill the air.

There is a scoop floating in the tub. Never seen that kind of thing before, but I'm sure it is used to clean bodies here. I don't know how, so I try it. I use the scoop to grab water and hold it like a dumb kid.

It seems like God has destined me to have a bad day today. The scoop had a hole, so the water came out from the hole and flowed freely onto my shorts. I quickly evaded, and I fell. The floor of the bathroom is slippery as heck and I'm not used to walking barefoot at home.

The scoop fell to the floor and bangs heavily. It split apart. Meanwhile, now I sat kissing the floor of the mossy and dirty bathroom floor.

At that moment, I began to ask the point of my life. Just kidding, I stand up. My army shorts were all wet now, and a big part of my t-shirt too.

Long story short, I cleaned up my butt and got out of the bathroom. With all the dripping water coming out from my body, I quickly get out of Aden's house, just glancing over at Aden's confused face, trying to do eye contact & communication "Leave me alone I want to go home" aura.

5 minutes later

The sun is very bright. I walked home in wet clothes at 3 PM. Even though no one was staring at me, I still felt self-conscious. I'm quite shy around strangers, and this time it's no different.

Then I saw two kids around my age, sitting at a bench near a roadside stall. The one kid who is a girl look at me, and she bring a bouquet of flowers.

Chaos ensue. She stood up, and the boy beside him fell to the back. I burst my laugh. It must be so painful.

Gw yang baru aja diri kaget mendengar suara gedubrak dari belakang. Ternyata si Rangga jatoh, mana kepalanya kena meja warung lagi. Awalnya aku mau ngetawain, tapi si cowo ganteng ini mendekat.

"Hello boy, what's your name? My name is Nabila, you can call me Nabil. Nice to meet you," sambil mengeluarkan tangan dari saku, siap untuk merasakan sensasi baru. "Kenalan sama bule niek.." dlm otak gw.

Eh ternyata dianya malah fokus ngeliatin Rangga. "Are you okay Rengga?". Asli, spellingnya lucu banget pas nyebutin nama Rangga. Semua vokal a jadi rada ke e.

Gw dikacangin ternyata. Fak. Gw deketin dia, eh dia malah noleh dengan tatapan curiga.

"Stop calling me boy, i'm twelve! You made me uncomfortable. Am I look that old?" kata dia, dengan mulut yang cemberut.

Gw salah ngomong tah? Kayanya bener semua yang gw omongin. Bukannya kalo manggil orang pake pronoun boy itu gapapa ya? kan membuat dia awet muda, daripada dipanggil 'kakak'.

"Sorry, Im sorry" sambil menundukkan badan.

Udah naksir, malah endingnya gini. Gw ni memang ndak pernah bisa sukses kalo soal lovers2an. Katanya kurang peka, la pas nyoba peka malah kaya gini.

"What happened to your ummm shorts?" kata gw, sambil megang-megang celana dia. Terlihat aneh sih, soalnya agak basah gitu.

"STOP IT, don't touch me. I'm out of here." kata dia, menepis tangan mungil gw.

Gak terima dong. Guwe tepis balik tangan dia. "Hey, chill out," katanya.

BODO AMAT. Guwa udah emosi. Tadi disanjung malah sebel. Sekarang dikasitau juga sebel.

Gw hantam badannya pake badan gw, meskipun badan gw kecil.

Eh pas gw mau dorong, malah dia tahan. "Aduh mati ni guwe". Dia nahan tangan gw sambil berkata "Stop it, can you leave us alone?"

'Us' yang dimaksud untuk siapa ya? Jangan bilang untuk si Rangga.

Bener. Dia malah nunduk, ikut membuyung Rangga biar dia duduknya enak. Gw dinyinyirin sama Rangga. Mana bunga yg gw bawa udah peyot lagi.

Sorry yang ini pendek, habis ide.
