Disil's stuff

BIM Journey #1 - my motive

It's been a peaceful week in my blog, although it is not in my real life. (Real) school has started, and because my school is kinda late to the party, mereka belum menerapkan kurikulum merdeka yang (katanya) mengurangi beban pelajaran sehari-hari.

Sebetulnya sih selama gurunya tidak reform maka kebijakan apapun yang dikeluarkan dinas pusat tidak akan berjalan lancar. Welp, maybe it is, dalam konteks sekolah di Jakarta. Other than that they don't care about mendiferensiasikan murid. Anyway, enough introduction, and let's explain everything. I just had a good cry about this topic, and my brain were encer as water.

Current situation of me

So I am middleway on my "life reform" that has been going on since early March of this year. But it's stuck at the point where I should de-degoogle which meant that I have to go back and surveillanced.

But think about it. Surveillance is everywhere. Surveillance is inevitable. So yeah, I want to give up on my privacy-ing effort. It's not worth my time & effort. I want to have friends. Like, real friend.

Talking about friend, my friends (not best friend, just friend) actually are also on the same spectrum on me in terms of getting a companion. One friend even use some shady telegram bot to search for "matching companion" and all he find is weird dudes from all over the place.

A wee bit of background

When I was little and I play with my neighbor, I do not actually play with em. Instead, I focused on the toy myself, didn't seem to care about the social life. And that behavior still continues into the realm of elementary school age. Gw jarang main dengan anak kompleks ya karena beda minat dan kesukaan. Also at that time i don't like to swear randomly unlike now xD

Now here's the question; how and why I got strong interest in computer (at that time)? Why I ain't ~socialist~ having friends just because I have different interest? How do I fix that? Should I start over?

Here comes the sun

Sebelum bisa membuat esai BIM, gw mesti tau dulu jawaban dari pertanyaan diatas. Oiya, jadi, untuk bisa mengapply beasiswa ini, gw harus membuat esai yang diisi dengan jawaban dari 3 pertanyaan berikut:

  1. What are you passionate about, why and how has this influenced what you want to study at university?
  2. Tell us about your leadership, extracurricular and sociacultural activities. Why have you chosen these activities and how have these experiences dveeloped your skills, leadership and character?
  3. Do you want to contribute to Indonesia? If so, in what way and why do you think this is an important issue to address?

In today's post I'll try to answer question 1 tapi masih belum berbentuk format esai yak.

Question 1

"I'm passionate about..." to be honest, I don't know. Pokoknya, gw pengen menjadi orang yang bermanfaat, yang bisa menghibur semua orang. Ada dua sisi dalam hidup gw. Di satu sisi, gw pengen seperti pakde buas ato Technoblade yang bisa bikin orang tertawa. Di sisi yang lain, gw juga pengen fullfilling dreams jalan2 ke luar negeri bebas kayak lagu Queen "I want to break free".

Dah dulu, udah beku lagi otaknya. See ya in the next post mate!
