Disil's stuff

BIM Journey #6 - welp the end is here

Today is a sad day for me. Yes, in the middle of my scrolling youtube session, I checked my phone and realize that there is new telegram message and email.

I thought it was normal Tom Scott newspaper, or probably some spam. But then I look at the subject of the email.

"Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Beasiswa Indonesia Maju Persiapan S1 Luar Negeri Angkatan 4"

I was freaked out. I opened it, hoping if by any chance I was accepted. Well, there it goes, the message of motivation at the bottom of the message.

the email mentioned

Yep. This is it. This is the end of my journey to get Beasiswa Indonesia Maju. No more U of T. No more dream of having a roommate somewhere in Canada. No more dream of starting a new life in New country.

In the positive side, maybe God had tell me that I need to readjust my life. I mean, my intention to get this scholarship is to get away from my parents, which isn't the best thing to do. Maybe I should reconciliate my relationship with my parents.

I guess my destiny isn't in this path. Maybe there's another way. I really hope so. Right now, I'm gonna take a break.

On the other side, blog update are coming!! I'll make a new fiction story, and this time I promise you it'll be a good story. Stay tuned :)
