Disil's stuff

BIM Journey #7 - I swear this'll be the last

I just had a talk with the guy that I absolutely hate for the last 3 months. Yep. So, basically a guy from my school also enrolled in BIM program, and he got accepted, unlike me.

Dude's a good listener. From that convo I learn that most people that got accepted in BIM are rich and smart. Well, the thing about rich people is, I got mad at them because they literally cut our chances to enroll in this BIM thing.

One day while I was scrolling through IG, I found this girl that is so rich that she's already traveling the world by now- yet she register for BIM scholarship.

My urge to take revenge had already dwindled, so yeah, no more grudges hold towards any of them. There's a lot of fun in this world, you probably think it sucks because you haven't explored things.

By the way, because it is useless now, here's my copy of essay if you want to read it: GDocs
