Disil's stuff

Gruvbox is nice

As always, after settling up on a specific linux distro, I will “rice” it in my way. Usually, it involves theming the desktop with a blue accent because I like blue. It's that simple. It's also the same case with my blog, with blue color everywhere.

But today, as always, I want a change. I went to look at Ivy's Garden and in the front page he mentioned that he used a color palette called Gruvbox to theme his blog. Like retro-ish, but actually comfortable for eye viewing, especially the dark one.

So the journey of “evolving this blog” is continued. I went to Gruvbox GitHub repo, and choose the light mode color palette.

And long story short, I did it. Now, on night mode, my blog look really similar to Ivy's, despite there are some fundamental differences, like implementation of fonts. I still use Satoshi because I haven't found a good font. Was considering to use Fira Mono/Sans by Mozilla, but then suddenly it looks ugly.

I also re-rice my desktop, so it looks like this: Disil's desktop looks as of June 2023
