Disil's stuff

I forgot about my research

Yep, I completely forgot that gw ikut lomba penelitian. Like, seriously, after I got excited with that scholarship, every other responsibility just disappear.

I got reminded by my partner in the research, fortunately he has made progress innit.

For quick rundown of context: lomba ini adalah lomba penelitian, tepatnya berjudul Olimpiade Penelitian Siswa Indonesia. Dan di lomba ini gw bikin sebuah superapp sekolah.

Sebetulnya memang dari konsep pun. superapp ini is doomed to fail. Terlalu mau mengcater kebutuhaan anak sekolah secara universal.

But somehow my partner in that research can pull it off dalam prototype figma. Awalnya sih kami berencana untuk membuat aplikasinya yang real, but nope it would take jutaan.

For you who is interested on looking at the prototype (yes, I'm looking at you mike), here's the link. I recommend to use desktop as it hasn't been made mobile-friendly yet despite the design being mobile-centric.

In the coming days I'll tweak this figma prototype and see how it went. Semoga nggak jelek amat kayak proposalnya.
