Disil's stuff

My Linux Journey: After 3 months

Believe it or not, I'm using Linux again! It all started in December of 2022 where I got some weird problems with the install of Windows. Apparently, because it's not the factory setup, some Acer program is missing and I can't retrieve it back from Acer website.

Short story, I decided to have a peace of mind. In my mind, I said "You know what? fuck those tuesday updates and lets download the most stable Linux", which is Debian Linux Mint.

I just went right downloading from the mirrors that LM provided, and I make the setup bookable to my old 16 GB Kingston flash disk. Those flashdisk have seen better days, and when I installed Linux Mint using them, it works, but sluggish.

Fortunately, the installation is succesfull, and everything works out of the box, including some hardware encoding stuff that never works right on another distro.

Everything just works.

I installed updates, use some custom PPA for Wine emulator, and even installed Zoom without any problem. It just works nicely. The default file manager, called Nemo, also look and work similarly to Windows explorer.

Within 3 hours, I'm succeeding in terms of "making my laptop cozy for everyday use". Even my printer (Canon Pixma G2010) work out of the box, including the scanner. I was amazed.

This is how Linux should have always be. Everything just works. The support forum is also quite nice, because I got answered within 24 hours from asking a question. Overall, a great experience.

Every positive things has it's negative counterpart too. It blends flatpak and "normal" package file, which can mislead novice users to install both version, because they look similar in the app store.

Applets (plugin) that I found on Cinnamon store were also often not updated, resulting in instability. From my observation, there is little to no moderation of applets on the plugins website, and I think it is dangerous because wrong applets can lead to Cinnamon (the desktop environment) crash often.