Disil's stuff

My Linux Journey: Tumbleweed and KDE Plasma 6

Guess what?? It's time to move on toa nother OS, because why not, right? Last month, I decided to move to a completely new base with a very different scheduling release than Debian. In fact, it is quite on the opposite side. It's none other than Tumbleweed!

Being a rolling release distro and a SUSE based distro, it actually isn't that hard to navigate at first glance, thanks to YaST management system. I did skip the installation part of the usual TW, and I use GeckoLinux instead because too much work to be done after installing. Also, TW original iso is like Debian, sizing at a whopping 4GB. What a waste of cellular data.

YaST worked really well at resolving dependency problems, unlike cough apt cough.

I got KDE Plasma 6 a few days ago in this system, and I can't say I'm surprised with the new feature. Most of them were improvements that "should've been included in Plasma 5".

my desktop layout in tumbleweed

Seems like KDE devs got obsessed with floating panels. Even start menu box become a floating one. In this case, I agreed with Dedoimedo's opinion, he stated that "It looks too cartoonish, and in combo with the floating panel, it feels like a children edition, not something for real work."

Beside Plasma, every major KDE programs also got big updates. I've seen that KTorrent suddenly becoming a full fledged download manager, Kdenlive suddenly supporting HEIF out of the box, and Dolphin suddenly doesn't show sidebar when opening it. I noticed a lot of minor regressions, but people's were thankful, because apparently Plasma 4 to 5 transition isn't as smooth as this.

On the other hand, that old PIM (Kontact), I didn't noticed any improvements at all. Still the same old buggy Akonadi framework. Baloo on the other hand, it had gotten a few improvements, such as reduced CPU usage (at least from seeing statistical graph in System Monitor).

I don't recommend a total newbie to jump straight into rolling release distro. It's dangerous and risky when you upgrade. Please, use your sanity and try Linux Mint instead. If for some reason you suffer from the shiny new stuff syndrome, well, then it's alright.

Well, that's it for today's review. A nifty distro, albeit with a minus from package managing side (it's usually different from what Google told you to download). Other than that, it's a mostly stable rolling-release distro. Maybe in another time I'll try the real Arch Linux xD
