Disil's stuff

My Linux Journey: Upgrading to Debian 12

After a few weeks of peace period using Debian 11, I decided to try Plasma Wayland session. In Plasma version 5.20, they were hideous. No desktop effects whatsoever, and I experienced a lot of visual glitches. This made me want to try Plasma 5.27, which everybody praised upon being a stable LTS release (and the last one in Plasma 5 series).

Redditors said that this version of Plasma had improved Wayland support, to the point where it is pretty much usable on Intel & AMD based GPU. So, yeah, I can't hold my desire to install it.

Debian testing (Bookworm) had already included Plasma 5.27 in the repo, so after a lot of reading mostly about the risk of upgrading, I decided to upgrade my system to Debian 12. I knew this is a dumb choice, because well, Bookworm is only about 1 week away from release.

Reading this release note tells me that there are no significant changes that affect me. It mostly changes about backend stuff. The one thing that I have to take care about is there are new repositories for non-free-firmware, so I have to add it on Synaptic.

After changing repo to Debian bookworm, I disabled the backports repo and that's it. Refresh the repo, and it immediately tells me that there are hundreds of package needs to be updated.

I went to Konsole and start the update by typing sudo apt full-upgrade. Long story short, all I need is one restart, and I got a welcome screen from KDE.

And it's been easy since that. Thanks Debian, for providing a stable experience, even in the supposed "testing" edition.
