Disil's stuff

Now and Then - The Beatles

It happened that they released a new Beatles song two weeks ago. And yeah- I was one of the attender of the livestream, because well- the hype is at it. I mean, who doesn't want to listen to the final beatles song!! right?

I got mixed emotions when listening to this song. One side of me want to focus on the lyrics. Yeah- it's not the best in terms of lyrics quality, I mean after all it was intended as John's mellow sad song.

The other side that I got is that "final Beatles song" vibes that made me not fully immersed in lyrics- and instead focusing on the music. I mean, the arrangement is good, but oh god Ringo's drum is killing my eardrum. The volume is too loud. Too much want to show up at the same time- it turned into something that came out of Oasis Be Here Now.

Apart from it, the orchestra play at the middle part of the song sounded so good and heavenly, and I also like how they don't include the "But I don't want to lose you.." because it sounded rubbish.

If you haven't had a chance to listen it, come on. It's a good song, mainly because Paul and Ringo are excited while doing it. Be sure to watch the music video too, unless you want to get sad.
