Disil's stuff

Welcome to 2024!

2023 went by so fast. Originally I planned to do a whole retrospective post about "looking back at 2023 period", where I would tell stories of that year. Thinking about it now, it'll look very negative and a not hopeful way to end the year, because I'll probably retell all of my sad stories over 2023. But yep, I'll do it now because why not :)

Looking back at 2023

On the positive side, I learned a lot about history of the world (18th-20th centuries era) in 2023, thanks to my unhealthy obsession with Hearts of Iron IV. I grow to love songs from that period (like Lili Marlene for example). I'm slowly becoming more of a vintage guy lul. Oh- I should make a post about my political belief later. Maybe it'll spark some chaos in this community.

I met my mate Michael early in 2023, when he first emailed me to correct a typo where I intended to type 'circumvent' but I wrote it 'circumcise' which mean totally different things. He's the best person I met in the whole year. We have same interest, albeit lately he's been focusing on fediverse stuff which I don't really get the meaning. I hope our friendship can last long, and even do an irl meetup xD when we trust each other more, who knows right?

I got to experience an interview to get a scholarship. A unique one, because that is the first time I have an interview and in English. Oh, speaking about English, I have improved my skill in this language by using it in my mind. You know that voice in your head that is used when thinking? It's called inner speech apparently. Well, I change it to use English. Even when swearing I use English phrase now. (thanks Tom Scott for your collection of colorful language in yer podcast)

Still about English language, I also managed to watch a British sitcoms without subtitles now. Yep, that racist "Mind Your Language" sitcoms is the one that I've watched intensely. I feel my listening ability has improved so much in this year. Still can't understand Michael's voice note clearly enough thoπŸ˜…

Looking forward

This year, the character Disil will turn 12 years old. Now this is something that you may or may not believe, but, the character was created on 29 February 2012, on a leap year. Coincidental? I don't know, but that day is the day I created my first story with a character named Disil. Anyway, I decided to retire Disil's lore, because, well, I don't create story with Disil innit anymore. It's just a nickname for me at this point.

I planned to do story that is matched with my obsession, that is "British blud having a hard time doing things". Oh, maybe I'll regret it later.

I'm still gonna do OSN, though I won't be that ambitious again, because afterall it's a bit impossible to win unless you got a specialized bimbingan.

I want to detox from YouTube, because it still ate most of my free time. It's like smoking. Like- I knew it's bad, but it's just to addicting to me to stop, even though I already know the consequences.

Palestine. I just realized that I never spoke out about Palestine even once in this blog. Those zionist are bastards, and basically want to repeat Nazis work all over. Let's support for a free and democratic Palestine, and have peace in the world!!

Anyway, that's my resolution for 2024. What's yours? I hope you can achieve it. Together, let's make the world a better place to live!
