Disil's stuff


Bahasa: [ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ]

Buat ngeliat pos yang udah lama, ada di arsip.

πŸ†• Pos Terbaru

πŸ“½οΈ Review Film

Belakangan ini gw suka nonton film. Dan buat beberapa film yang berkesan, gua bikin reviewnya. Hope you'll like it guys.

🐧 My Linux Journey

Sebagai seorang nerd, gw mencoba Linux setahun yang lalu. Dan akhirnya pindah menjadi full-time user. Seru juga ternyata, terbebas dari tantangan Windows ngelag.

πŸ’» Tech Tutorial

Beberapa tutorial komputer-an yang gw buat.

πŸ“– Stories

Beberapa cerita panjang yang gw buat. Kebanyakan sih belum selesai hehe karena moodnya keburu hilang.


coming soon!!

A typical boy that suddenly realized his mate is a royal. I promise it'll be published soon :)

Unfriendly Sick Boi

A story about grumpy boy called Ethan that's always in a bad mood because he can't be β€œnormal” like others. But one day, he met a clumsy boy named Karl, who happened to be a cheerful kid. Prepare to embark on a heartwarming adventure filled with introspection, laughter, and unexpected revelations as Ethan and Karl unravel the mysteries of self-acceptance and the true meaning of happiness.


Luke was a well-known professional football player in England, having led the country to victory in the World Cup. He had retired from football, and having a good life. One day, he decided to go for a walk and met a homeless boy, shivering alone at the edge of the street. His name's Jack. How did they end up? Will Luke help Jake?

🏫 Beasiswa Indonesia Maju

Beberapa pos dibawah adalah daftar pos yang gw tulis ketika gw ngambis pengen daftar beasiswa ini. Jadi BIM ini adalah beasiswa persiapan S1 ke luar negeri, dimana kita akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan SAT/ACT/IELTS etc. agar nanti ya bisa merantau.

Tapi gw gak lolos, jadi yaa bagian ini cuma buat sekedar kenangan aja.

  1. Why i want to enroll
  2. Finding the right major
  3. Answering essay prompt
  4. Rewriting and discarding it
  5. Preparing for interview
  6. Watershed moment - end